  • Arms
  • Shoulders
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Chest
Trainer:Nick Taylor
Equipment:No Equipment
  • Arms
  • Shoulders
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Chest
Trainer:Nick Taylor
Equipment:No Equipment

Start standing with your feet hip distance appart. Bend down and place your palms on the floor in the front of your feet. As soon as your palms make contact with the floor, jump your feet out behind you to assume a high-plank position. Keep your core tight and your spine straight. Stand up and jump reaching your arms above the head.

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Biceps is the most famous muscle in the human muscular system, it is approximately one-third of the mass of the shoulder. It is a part of a group of three in the upper arm that works together with each other to lift the arm toward the shoulder. As one of the most visible and impressive parts of the body, “two-headed muscles” are often the gym’s focus. It is responsible for two main movements of the arm. The first is raising your hand. Those who carry something using their arm are likely to engage them in the process, as some upward force must be applied during the process of carrying and lifting. The second movement, for which they are responsible, is called supination, which rotates the arm from the natural position of the palm down to the palm up. Biceps are built as a result of injury, which is often achieved through lifting weights such as curls or other types of exercises. As the curls or other exercises are done, the muscles in the arm get minor injuries. These injuries must be repaired naturally. The recovery process, as a natural byproduct, usually leads to growth and strength gains, although this process can take several weeks or months before noticeable results are seen. Very few exercises work for it without affecting the other parts of the shoulder. Therefore, there is no reason to worry that others in the upper arm might be neglected by focusing on them. Some may focus only on the arm and almost completely forget about the legs or the core. As one of the most commonly used muscles in the body, the biceps can certainly be damaged. Biceps injuries are not as common as some other types of injuries, there is always a risk, especially among weightlifters. The most common type of injury is damage to the tendon. In this type of injury, It is pulled away from the tendon that attaches it to the arm in a bone also known as the radius. Such injuries occur when they are used suddenly or to a level that they cannot handle. Training. Dumbbell Bicep Curls. Stand straight with the dumbbell in each hand and with your feet shoulder-width apart. Once the dumbbells are at your shoulder level, start slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions. Incline Pushup. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on a bench, chair, or couch. And assume a high plank position with your feet together and your body straight from head to heels. Keeping your feet flat and core engaged lower your chest to the bench or chair. Pause. And then push yourself back up to the starting position. Diamond Knee Pushup. With your knees on the ground place your hands on the ground with your fingers and thumbs touching together creating the diamond shape. This action will engage more your tricep muscle. Then complete a push-up and get back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Pike Pushup. Assume a shorter push-up position, get on your toes and put your butt up, shifting your weights to the front. Bending your arms slowly lower your head, be sure not to bump your head on the ground.
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Hamstring muscle training is often neglected, but for most athletes, however, it is very important because strong hamstrings help avoid many injuries. They are a group of powerful muscles that extend from the pelvis to the knee at the back of the upper leg. Their two main roles are to extend the leg (pull it back) and bend the knee, movements we use both in mountain walking or running and in everyday life. We engage and overuse them more than we realize, which creates tension and can lead to acute or chronic injuries due to overuse. For example, when you run or hike up a mountain, it may seem like you are primarily using your quadriceps, but you are also straining your hams, especially if you are overzealous or taking a big step to navigating over rocks or roots. These muscles consist of three parts: the semi-tendon muscle, the biceps femoris muscle, and the semitendinosus muscle. Together they form a large group of muscles that work at the base of the thigh. Their main function is to bend the leg at the knee joint. Before performing any strength exercises, it is important to warm up and stretch the hamstring muscles well, because the muscles are often in a contracted condition. Training It is better, to begin with, a 5-10 minutes light workout. This can be cycling, running, etc. Such workouts are good for warming up before stretching, after which you can proceed to the main workout. Training cool muscles is not a good idea. Wise advice for beginner athletes who want to train with extra weight - use a lighter load and more reps at first to gradually develop muscle strength. There are many exercises that do not directly target your hamstrings, but where they help your hamstrings, such as pull-ups, lunges, and squats. However, to develop them well, it is also important to do some isolation exercises where you focus directly on your hams. To help you on your way, we decided to list the most important exercises below. Hamstrings Compression helps relieve pain and tightness. Stretching relieves stress and helps strengthen the ligaments in the back of the knee as well as the hamstrings. Quadriceps stretching with support. This exercise will strengthen your hams instead of your quadriceps. It also improves knee mobility. Leg lift with resting on arms. Lifting one leg is aimed at pumping the glutes, as well as strengthening the hamstrings. Wall Squats. Such squats will strengthen your knees and also reduce pain if any. The exercise works all the muscles that are connected to the knees. Lunges also engage your hamstrings, glutes, inner thigh muscles, and calves. The strength of these muscles determines the strength of your knees. The stronger they are, the more tension they will absorb, thus preventing injury and pain. Exercises with a roller are a perfect way to massage and relax your muscles.
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Push-ups, strength exercises, gymnastic elements on rings and a horizontal bar, handstand - all these exercises require strong and flexible wrists. Let’s discuss how to develop your wrist strength and do exercises without pain and discomfort. The wrist is a movable connection of the bones of the forearm and hand of a person. It is formed by the extended and concave carpal articular surface of the radius and a medially located triangular cartilaginous disc, representing a concave articular surface articulating with the convex proximal (located closer to the body) articular surface of the bones of the first row of the wrist: scaphoid, lunate and trihedral. The proximal row is connected with the exchange cyst behind the additional exchange wrist joint. The skin row is set in an arch, bent proximally and distally bent. On the long sides of the wrists of the vignutia set up the carpal canal, we will fix the flexor retinaculum. The proximal row is connected with the surfaces of the exchange brush and the distal row. In the proximal row, the dermal cyst can be surrounded by an undisclosed ruffle: for example, it is more like the fate of the unprotected midget steel, which can be easily joined from the trapezoidal and trapezoidal style. The cysts of the distal row, on the other hand, are more rigidly fastened, so that the whole row collapses at once with the pastoral cysts. Some sports require strong wrists. Wrist strength should be developed in parallel with flexibility. This will help you do exercises that require not only good grip but also joint mobility. Exercises for the wrists are also useful for people who are far from sports. Warming up and stretching the wrists can help avoid tunnel syndrome - the compression of the median nerve between the bones and tendons of the wrist. Warming up will help relieve tension and will be excellent pain prevention. The number of eight wrist cysts can be divided into two transverse rows (proximal and distal), or into three later colonies. Training Bear Crawl Lunge. Move forward by moving the right hand and the left leg with a crawling movement. Just after placing weight on the right hand and left leg, turn the sides and move the left hand and right leg forward. Keep the body pretty low and continue with crawling movements. Imagine that you are crawling beneath a low net. Half Handstand Variation. Begin with the downward-facing dog position. Walk your feet in closer to your hands. Keep your left foot on the ground, lifting onto the ball, and begin bending the knee. Lift the right leg and straighten it behind you. After taking a few hops, jump off the bent leg and lift the straight leg toward vertical. Keep flexing your lifted foot for engagement. Now, try to bring both heels to the wall. Keep breathing deeply while your head is down between your upper arms. Remember to engage your legs and reach up through your heels. Walk your legs down the wall. Then get back to the starting position with your feet on the ground. Make a deep squat and jump out. Inchworm Variation. Put your hands on the ground and your feet - on the elevated surface (a bench). Start walking your hands out, as far as you can keeping your legs straight throughout the movement. Make a pause. Walk your hands back up to the starting position.
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The shoulder muscles are divided into two groups. The anterior group consists of flexors: the coracohumeral, the brachialis, and the biceps brachii. The posterior group includes the extensors: the triceps brachii and ulnar. The coracohumerals start from the coracoid process of the scapula fuses with the short head of the biceps brachii and pectoralis minor and attaches to the humerus at the level of the upper edge of the brachial. The brachials start from the lower half of the anterior surface of the humerus and the intermuscular septa of the shoulder and attach to the tuberosity of the ulna and its coronal process. The biceps brachii has two heads starting on the scapula from the supra-articular tubercle (long head) and the coracoid process (short head). It attaches to the forearm to the tuberosity of the radius and the fascia of the forearm. It belongs to the bicarticular part. Concerning the shoulder joint, the biceps of the shoulder is the flexor of the shoulder, and the elbow is the flexor and instep support of the forearm. The triceps brachii is located on the back of the shoulder, has three heads, and is a bicarticular. It participates in the movements of both the shoulder and the forearm, causing extension and adduction in the shoulder joint and extension in the elbow. The ulnar starts from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and radial collateral ligament and the fascia; it is attached to the upper part of the posterior surface and partly to the olecranon of the ulna in its upper quarter. The function of this is to extend the forearm. The bundles of the deltoid muscle perform different functions, so it will not work to load them all with one exercise: you will have to include at least three movements in the training. All exercises are divided into three parts: for pumping the front, middle and back beams. Pick exercises from our list below and add them to your workouts. The weight is necessary so that the last repetitions in the approach are given not easily, but without compromising the technique. You can train your shoulder straps both at home and in the gym. But it is necessary to have a bar and a gantry. Weight must be chosen in such a way that in every set it was possible to raise the average 8-10 times. This is how you can increase the volume and mass. If the same goal is set - to increase the strength, to train in the face of more severe conditions. In this case, the number of repeats will be 5-8. The number of reps is 4-5. Barbell bench press. Take the shell on your chest, bring your elbows forward, tighten your abs, buttocks, legs. Squeeze the bar up, lower it back and repeat. When the bar passes your face, do not lift your chin, but squeeze it in yourself: this way the bar will go along the optimal trajectory. If the projectile remains in front of the body at the top point, and not above it, the load on the lower back increases. Therefore, try to take the barbell behind your head. Standing dumbbell press. Raise your arms with the selected weight to shoulder level, turn your palms forward with your fingers. Squeeze the dumbbells up and take them slightly behind your head, and then lower them to the starting position and repeat. Do three to five approaches 10-12 times. Seated Bent-Over Dumbbell Routing. Sit on a bench, tilt your body with a straight back, as far as flexibility allows, hold the dumbbells in your lowered hands. Without changing the position of the body, spread your arms with the taken weight on the sides to shoulder level. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position and repeat.
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One of the most important running muscles is the quadriceps - the large muscle at the front of the thigh. It has been scientifically proven that regular strength training improves workout performance and reduces the risk of injury, as well as strengthens your back, and leg muscles, making your running more productive. The quads, also known as the quadriceps muscle, is a group of muscles located at the front of the leg above the knee. It is one of the largest and strongest muscles in your body that consists of four heads: fastus medialis (medial wide), vastus intermedius (intermediate wide), vastus lateralis (lateral), and rectus femoris (straight thigh muscle). Almost every action performed by the legs involves two or more heads of the quadriceps. The quadriceps muscle plays an important role at the beginning of the movement (quick start) and during ascent and descent in elevated positions - which is why you may experience painful sensations in this area of the leg after an intense uphill workout. According to researchers at the University of Delaware, strong quadriceps act as cushioning and can protect the knees and the entire musculature of the hip from common running injuries. Often many runners are injured because they have weak and underdeveloped quadriceps, so it is especially important to strengthen them. By training and strengthening the quads, you can get the following benefits when running: Increased speed. Strong quadriceps help you tackle steep hills and climbs more easily and make pushing off the ground more powerful, resulting in increased speed. Reduced injuries. According to research, poorly developed quadriceps are often associated with many running injuries. For example, a common injury such as the 'runner`s knee' results from weakness in these muscles, which are unable to stabilize the knee joint during the movement. Increased endurance. Strengthening the quadriceps muscle will make your running more effortless and efficient, which contributes to increased running volume and endurance. Training The quadriceps occupy 70% of the muscle mass of the leg, so it is their development that is fundamental in leg training. The main exercise for developing the quadriceps is the squat. But, for beginners, at the first stages of training, it is better to start with leg curls sitting in an exercise machine, leg press, and hyperextensions to strengthen the lower back, to avoid injuries, in order to prepare the base for the heavy squats. It is a good idea to include squats in your training plan after about six months of training.
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